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Bảo vệ Hoàng Vương Gia
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Monday, 22/12/2014, 22:19 GMT+7
Views : 1930

12/19/2009 Company professional security services Hoang Vuong Gia assume security for busy Christmas festival. The event was held at the parish Kim Ngoc Phan Thiet city.

Phan Thiet - Noel is a great Gospel, the Second Person of Christmas God made man.
Noel is a great news, people are sharing life with God.
Since then, Noel became happy joy for life and the life.
In his throbbing joy, peace please refrain sounded like music to honor, please contribute to the song as regards peace.

That is the theme of the night Hymn "busy Christmas" was held on the evening of 19-12-2009, on the campus of Kim Ngoc Church, Diocese of Phan Thiet.

Concert with 21 songs by Noel Directed by Sam staging, the singer now known as the singer presented Minh Tu, Minh Thu, Qing Su, Ho Ngoc Bich Minh Thuan Thao Mai, Gia Grace, Spring school, Hein, Grace, East Nghi.

Enjoy the concert "Bustling Noel" about 5,000 people, priests, men and women religious, lay people and a large number of people paid to attend, sit stand filled courtyard Church to allow a few more screens great to external audiences.

Two MC Quynh Tram Minh Quan and gracious host. Night 21 Christmas songs are divided into 3 parts.

Part I: the legendary Christmas.
1.Song song - dance: HE WAS BORN CS.Minh CS Minh Thu Tu and the children dance group GX. Kim Ngoc- Tan Tao.
2. The application ca: SECTION foul line. CS Xuan Truong and dance GX Kim Ngoc
3. The application ca: strangers. CS.Dong Nghi and dance groups Field MTG Phan Thiet.
4. Three cases of men: UNDER FOOT 3 VUA.CS.Xuan Truong, Thanh History, Family and Children En GX Kim Ngoc

5. Single male singer: NOEL busy. CS Grace, Tan Tao Children's dance group.
6. Single female singer: SIGN CHRISTMAS. Freedom CS.Dieu Hien and dance groups.
7.Don male singer: rain salvation. CSThanh Use and dance groups Field MTG Phan Thiet.
8. female Don ca: NOEL HAS VE.CS Mai Thao and dance group Freedom
9. Four female Ca - dance mh: NOEL intervened. CS Minh Tu, Thu Minh City, Dong Yi, Mai Thao, Bich Ngoc Phan and dance groups Field MTG set.
10. Single male singer: CA CHRISTMAS SONGS - An CS.Gia
11. Single female singer: DURING CHRISTMAS. Poetry CS.Cam
12. Song lyrics men and women: tonight. CS Thanh Use - Hein
13. Single female singer: CHRISTMAS LIGHT. CS Ho Bich Ngoc and dance group Freedom
14. Single male singer: NOEL back already. CS Grace.
15. Song lyrics men and women - FAMILY BUSINESS. CS Gia An, Mai Thao and the children.
The top 16 children's song: TIT IN HIGH. Bishop Joseph and the Angel Kids Children ngoc- Kim Tan Tao.

17. At ca: SINGING HAPPY CHRISTMAS. Father and all the singers.
18. Single male singer: Hymns SAD. CS.Minh Thuan
19. Single male singer: Two Christmas season. CS Minh Thuan
20.Top ca: Christmas medley. CS Minh Thuan, Cam Poetry, Grace, Minh Tu - Minh Thu, Grace, Bich Ngoc, An Gia, Xuan Truong, Hein.
21. At ca: CA LOVE SONGS OF LIFE. Bishop and the whole singer, actor.

The concert ended with the gratitude of the parish priest and the bishop's blessing. Shimmering candles before crib Baby Jesus, peace people rang to sing sings Happy Christmas birth. The audience, no one wants to leave, many people still nostalgically not want to break up. Each soul is full of Christmas cheer. Thank God blessed tonight with cool air, the number of people attending a large, stately order, especially with Noel rich content over 21 unique dance repertoire.

Leaving the stage, the children rushed to around Father Joseph. The little angel hand pulling, very cute natural question: Grandpa have fun no? Grandfather are you? Celebrate Christmas grandfather offline ... Bishop touched the angels head massage.

Musician's views Vi Vu Vu Duy Thong Joseph Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Phan Thiet, Chairman of the Committee of Culture under the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Vietnam.

Three unique features of the night "Bustling Christmas" today is the singing of an author's work price- drive is a bishop chief songwriter wrote a Christmas theme. HDGMVN two musicians. If Bishop Paul Nguyen Van Hoa write music for everyone to sing in church, the Rev. Joseph songwriter to sing outside the cathedral, the song "Seeds of mind soul" went to the heart, gently sweet.

Writing music for happy life and make life fun, the Rev. Joseph always expressed optimistic demeanor, sociable, friendly with everyone.

"Bishop Joseph Vu Duy Thong, human and theological reflections subtle but profound, lyrical wisdom that morals that bloody human reality, met the man of rhythm and sound, musician Information Vi Vu. Then both inside the music. Both, a bishop and an artist, and sung in the language of the realm of magical people - music. Music, therefore, has become a way to express subtle and profound thoughts and vibrations lyrical, life is real and the ideal serving bishop - musician Vu Duy Thong - Thong Vi Vu ".

Storytelling Bible in the language of music is a way to convey the good news to life. Close understandable, everyone can hear and sing modulate anywhere and anytime. Ns Info Vi Vu wrote more than 30 songs tell stories of Christmas. The night views Vi Vu as "melodious Christmas" - "bustling Christmas" - "Ron Noel" which was held here on Christmas season from the past year. 2 CD "melodious Christmas" and "throbbing Noel" was received with masses love love all admire.

Bishop Joseph wrote the Christmas song like to share with us: to live and express the Christian mission to bring joy and peace to everyone.

Listen to the music life of Bishop, saw a lot of direction. Religion permeates life was so heart warming music find joy peace.

Thus, even though a few more days until Christmas, but in the hearts of every person is to see the Christmas bustle.

We wish everyone a happy Christmas season and a joyous New Year wellbeing of God's healing love.

Father Joseph Nguyen Huu An

Written : admin
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